Feed your lawn this spring with the top dressing nutrients it needs to be greener than it’s ever been before. We have homeowner lawn spreaders that are the right size for a residential lawn. American made from top quality materials, our lawn spreaders are just what you need to kick off your spring yard work.

Homeowner Lawn Spreader Models: MultiSpread And TruFlow
We know there are lots of options out there when it comes to lawn care spreaders (maybe too many options) so we’re making it simple at Earth & Turf. We’re designating four of our models as residential lawn spreaders. Now, as a residential customer, you are welcome to purchase any spreader we have available but the four on this page are the ones we most often see our residential customers purchasing.
The TruFLow 24D is a great option if you want to top dress your lawn in the spring or fall without using harmful chemical fertilizers. This is Earth & Turf’s heavy duty self propelled top-dressers.
If you’re looking for tow-behind topdressers for your lawn then the 65PT or the MultiSpread 220 or 320 may be what you need. These are all great homeowner lawn spreaders and we can help you determine what would be best for you, just contact us today!
Earth & Turf top dressing spreaders are designed for spreading loam or sand and soil mixes or compost on your lawn to enrich the soil. These different mixtures will provide nutrients that your lawn needs to become thick and green. Using one of our homeowner lawn spreaders will allow you to spread family friendly and pet friendly materials on your lawn.

TruFlow™ 24D
The TruFlow™ 24D push-type top dresser is designed for operators who need to spread topdressing material in tight areas. The forward wheels provide the power to turn the dispensing roller. The TruFlow 24D can spread materials with moisture content up to 20%. That means compost with higher moisture contents will clog up the dispensing system. This will spread sand and soil mixtures, loam, or calcined clay (used for baseball infields) very well.
TruFlow™ 24D Topdresser
MultiSpread 65PT
The MultiSpread 65PT from Earth & Turf Products can be a great pull behind open topdresser for homeowners looking for a commercial-grade lawn topdresser. The 65PT was designed to spread on market garden rows and fit perfectly in between them. It is also built sturdy enough to handle 100% hopper capacity of sand, most competitor models are only rated for 40% of their total capacity of sand.
MultiSpread 65PT
MultiSpread 220 & 320
Homeowners looking for high-quality lawn spreaders have been known to select either our MultiSpread 200 or MultiSpread 320 pull behind spreaders. These large lawn spreaders are best for homeowners with more than an acre of lawn to take care of. The larder capacities of the 220 and 320 MultiSpread units will serve you well. Contact us today for more information or questions about these bigger lawn spreaders.
MultiSpread 220 MultiSpread 320Homeowner Lawn Spreader: Start Caring For Your Lawn Today
If you don’t have a lawn spreader of some kind to use on your yard then it’s probably time to get one. Your yard should be an enjoyable, safe place for your family, pets, children, and neighbors to enjoy. If your yard is all dry and dusty and your grass is brown then it needs water and nutrients. The best way to get your yard that nutrients is through top dressing in the right way. Earth & Turf’s compost spreaders are top quality, made in America, and set up to help you restore or enhance the quality of your lawn. Contact us today for a free quote or if you have questions about our homeowner lawn spreaders or any other products.
Materials Calculator For Your Lawn

Try our compost calculator to measure the amount of sand, topsoil, or compost you need for your lawn project. We know it can be challenging to predict the amount of material you will need accurately, so we’ve integrated depth and size into our calculator. This way, you know exactly what to expect!

Struggling to Find the Perfect Spreader?
Finding the ideal topdresser or spreader can be challenging. That's why we've created this filtering tool to simplify the process for you! With this tool, you can start by filtering based on the type of material you intend to spread. This ensures that you get the right spreader for your specific needs without any guesswork!

You Have Financing Options!
If you are interested in financing options for a high quality topdresser you can submit an application as the first step to owning your own topdressing machine. We know that it can be a pricy purchase and that's why financing options can help alleviate a large upfront bill!