Turf Aerators

In addition to our line of topdressers, Earth & Turf also offers aerators for core aeration. We have two models for you to choose from. , the Turfsaw Aerator and the Linear Aerator.
Linear aeration improves water infiltration and retention, turf and root growth, nutrient absorption and organic decompostition. The one-pass design of the Earth & Turf aerator assures maximum cultivation of turf on athletic fields, golf courses and polo grounds.

Turfsaw Aerator
Rolling turf aerator design, simple and unique, that attaches easily to tractor loader buckets. Just slide it on and tighten the bolts. With the easy-style attachment, this aerator will save you time as you get the job done.
Turfsaw Aerator
Linear Aerators
Running one of our linear turf aerators over your sports fields will majorly cut down on the sports injuries. It softens and evens out the field, making it safe for the players. The Earth & Turf Linear Aerator cuts vertical grooves that are 1/2″ wide and 3″ deep. Once you’ve aerated your turf, topdress with calcined clay, compost or sand.
Linear aerators